Thirteen Hi-Fi on Instagram

Thirteen is finally on Instagram. We will be sharing out favorite pictures from 13Hof and the Loft. We hope to share not only our love for incredible audio components and music, but also invite you into our carefully curated listening spaces. Check out some of our pictures and don’t forget to follow us for updates. […]
13 goes digital? The Nyquist Streamer From Brinkmann Audio

It is no secret that vinyl has always been the go to format for us at 13hof. Like many of you, we appreciate the process of putting a record on. Dropping the needle and rushing back to the couch: it’s a ritual that has very much become a part of our music listening process. But […]
Meet the The Gryphon Audio Diablo 120 Integrated amplifiers make home stereo simple. With a single box, often with a built in phonostage, it’s easy to plug all your components in, wire up the speakers and be playing music within minutes. The simplicity also brings limitations. By separating stages into a preamplifier and power amp system, with external source components theoretically […]
The high res storm in a tea cup
Time to be a little controversial and say that the whole High Res music scene is nothing more than a rather small storm in a tea cup. Don’t get me wrong, I love the technical improvements that high bit rates and even higher sampling rates can bring to music. I love the fact that when […]